Safe Rooms at Drainage Pump Stations
Jefferson Parish, LA
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
approx. contract value
This contract included the total construction and automation of Five Safe Room Structures in Jefferson Parish, LA.
scope of work
As a result of the effects learned from Hurricane Katrina, it became essential to have Safe House structures for pump station operators to reside in during hurricane and storm events. In addition to needing a safe facility, the concept also called for the remote operation of the five pump stations. The remote operation features allow the pump operator to fully operate the station from the safe house without returning to a pump station during inclement weather.
The structures consisted of concrete foundations, pre-cast concrete piles, cast-in-place concrete platforms, procurement and installation of the actual safe rooms, installation of all utilities, and installation of backup diesel fuel systems. The existing drainage pump stations were automated at all five sites while ongoing pump station operations were maintained throughout the construction period.
This 150-day project was performed on schedule with a notice to proceed within seven days from bid day. We expended approximately 40,000 man-hours with no loss time accidents recorded. Additionally, we received an outstanding CCASS rating on this project from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.